Originally published in IndicaNews on July, 2 2024

iNDICA NEWS BUREAU- Mohandas Gandhi, an Indian born Britain certified Barrister-in-Law, went to South Africa in 1893 to resolve a property dispute between two Indian-Muslim Gujarati traders, Dada Abdulla Seth and his relative, THK Mohamed. The South Africa Court system needed a British trained Gujarati lawyer.

On June 7,1893, Gandhi was traveling in the First-Class Compartment of the train from Durban to Charleston on the way to Pretoria to attend the legal case proceedings. At 9 PM that Wednesday night, he was thrown away from the train at the Maritzburg Train Station, because only white people could travel in the First-Class compartments.

On that night, Gandhi had three thoughts. First, to either fight for his rights or go back to India, which can be viewed as cowardice. Second, to finish the duty for which he came. Third, to not mind the color prejudice and stay and eliminate the prejudice in South Africa apartheid movement, which made him stay for twenty more years.

Gandhi has told a Christian minister by the name John Mott, that this experience was the most transformative one in his life.

Dr Sriram Sonty, Vice-President Gandhi Memorial Chicago Foundation, requested Illinois State Senator Ram Villivalam of the 8th District, to proclaim June 7, 2024 as the “Global Gandhi Youth Mission Day”. With his efforts, Illinois State Senate Human Rights Committee and the State Senate adopted June 7th as the Global Gandhi Youth Mission Day through Senate Resolution 883 on May 25, 2024.

A Global Gandhi Youth Mission (2GYM) Organization was established on June 7, 2023 at the Pietermaritzburg Gandhi Mandela King Conference by Dr Sonty, with the USA Youth Members Manikantha Gollamudi and Nishika Dubey, and Board Member Dr Sarada Purna Sonty, Professor Prasad Gollanapalli and Bunny Bhoola as the Founding Board Members. Dr Sonty is also part of the board.

A Public meeting was convened with the presence of the Illinois State Senator at the Skokie Public Library on Friday, June 7,2024.

It was attended by Dr Santosh Kumar, President Gandhi Memorial Chicago Foundation; Dr Suresh Bodiwala, Trustee; Dr Sriram Sonty, Dr Sarada Purna Sonty, Dharani Villivalam, Piyas Bhattacharjee, Karthik Kandamuri, Advisory Board 2GYM.

Youth Members of 2GYM Nandini Kandamuri, Nishika Dubey, Manikantha Gollamudi, Taneesha Bhattacharjee Pahari, and Ritam De also attended the meeting.
The meeting started with Gandhiji’s Bhajans, “Vaishnava Janato” and “Raghupathi Raghava Raja Ram”, sung by Rama Gurupalli, Kashyap Rajesh and Harini Muthukumar.

Dr Sonty narrated the June 7,1893 eviction incident and its significance in the history of mankind. Senator Ram Villivalam read the Senate Resolution 883 to the audience, pronouncing June 7 as the “Global Gandhi Youth Mission day”.

Piyas Bhattacharjee of HAnSA (Healing Arts & Science Association) described the goals and objectives of the foundation to promote healing through arts. The aforementioned 2GYM youth members spoke on Gandhian Vision and values towards humanity. Twenty one young artists from Paisley Academy Arts & Fabrics, who are trained by Bhattacharjee, exhibited their artistic paintings of “Mahatma GandhI”.