
SPRINGFIELD – Legislation introduced by State Senator Ram Villivalam that would promote the availability of the Child Care Assistance Program passed the Senate unanimously today.

“Public services are only valuable when those who they are designed to work for are aware of them,” Villivalam (D-Chicago) said. “It is important for DHS to promote the availability of CCAP so families can take advantage of quality childcare options, allowing parents to work or attend school.”

SB 1321 would require the Illinois Department of Human Services to promote the Child Care Assistance Program, targeting all families with children under age 13, families eligible for child care assistance and child care providers.
Former Gov. Bruce Rauner reduced the eligibility of CCAP by lowering the income threshold to 50 percent of the federal poverty level. Though CCAP Eligibility has been restored to 185% FPL and eligibility expansion was extended to twelve months, there is only 31% take up in the program, meaning awareness of this program must be raised.

“I’m hoping this bill will increase awareness of programs designed to help working families, and will simultaneous allow those families with young children to trust that their government is back to working for them,” Villivalam said.