
SPRINGFIELD- State Senator Ram Villivalam is leading the charge in correcting information on birth certificates.

“No one should have to be in a situation in which vital documents such as their birth certificate or driver’s license do not reflect who they are,” said Villivalam (D-Chicago). “However, there have long been barriers for people to properly update these documents – especially if it was issued by a different state.”

Currently, if someone has a birth certificate issued by a different state or country, they would have to seek a lawyer in said state or country and travel to change the document.

This measure would allow for an Illinois resident to file a petition that asks the court to correct or update a birth certificate issued by another state or country. The petition must contain their name and address, change that is sought, and reason for the change. It would also require the court to schedule a hearing for this request.

 “We are working to prevent people from having to take unnecessary steps in order to see these changes reflected,” said Villivalam. “We must continue to break down barriers that limit how someone represents themselves.”

House Bill 5507 passed the Senate on Thursday, and heads to the governor’s desk.