Villivalam BudgetAddressEOS Lime

SPRINGFIELD- State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago) released the following statement after the passage of the budget for Fiscal Year 2025.

“Building on the five balanced budgets that I have voted for and that have resulted in nine credit rating upgrades for our state, this year’s budget will continue on the mission of investing in our vibrant communities.”

“I am proud to vote for a budget that provides an additional $350 million for K-12 education funding, ensures our seniors are able to live with dignity and independence through increased funding for the home care program, and enhances funding for the safety of our communities.”

“From youth to seniors, it is vital that we continue investing in affordable, accessible and equitable resources that fosters the ability to participate in our vibrant community. I am honored to have collaborated with my colleagues to pass a balanced budget that not only enriches the top priorities of those in my community, but Illinois as a whole.”