job 3790033

SPRINGFIELD - In continuation of an initiative from State Senator Ram Villivalam, five local chambers of commerce received funding to help support small businesses.

“Small businesses are an essential underpinning to our economy,” said Villivalam (D-Chicago). “I am honored to see that five of our local chambers were able to receive grants that will continue to invest into our vibrant communities.”

Through efforts that were led by Villivalam and included in the Fiscal Year 2024 budget implementation bill, the Back to Business Local Chambers Program provides financial assistance to Chambers of Commerce that were originally left out of COVID-19 pandemic economic relief.

These grants are used to amplify local economies and provide other necessary support for small businesses to thrive. The grants are awarded through the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity – which provides support with application review, support for applicants, and processing payments.

The following chambers of commerce in the 8th Senate District received funding:

  • Niles Chamber of Commerce: $29,315
  • Skokie Chamber of Commerce: $23,489
  • Peterson Pulaski Business and Industrial Council Chicago: $15,147
  • Morton Grove Chamber of Commerce and Industry: $5,000
  • Lincolnwood Chamber of Commerce and Industry: $3,352

“The COVID-19 pandemic was a challenging time for many small businesses. Chambers of Commerce worked diligently to continue to support business owners and their local economies through such unprecedented times,” said Villivalam. “But, when some were left behind, it became apparent that there was more we could do. These grants will continue to bolster the success of businesses and local economies.”

A full list of awardees can be found here.