
SPRINGFIELD - To ensure nursing homes have the resources to be properly staffed, State Senator Ram Villivalam supported a measure that would make changes to the formula used for calculating per-diem add-on payments for nursing home staff.

“The 8th Senate District has the highest number of nursing homes in the State,” said Villivalam (D-Chicago). “It is imperative I voted to ensure that our nursing homes have the resources to be staffed at the highest levels. It is a top priority to provide quality care for our resident and decent worker’s conditions.”

In 2022, changes were made to overhaul the state’s nursing home assessment program, which included nursing home reimbursement add-on payments based on facilities’ staffing levels. The amount is calculated based on a facilities compliance with STRIVE, a federal study that determines proper staffing levels.

As the federal government stopped updating the STRIVE study, nursing homes starting receiving lower than anticipated payments. House Bill 4907 would make changes to the formula used for calculating per-diem add-on payments to return such payments to previously anticipated levels.

“Our nursing home staff, residents and families deserve to have access to compassionate, quality and responsible care in addition to a safe and supported working environment,” said Villivalam. “Ensuring add on payments match anticipated levels will build upon the commitment to invest into the care of our seniors, people with disabilities and the workers who provide care for them.”

 House Bill 4907 passed the Senate Monday.