SPRINGFIELD - To enhance protections for people experiencing domestic violence, State Senator Ram Villivalam supported a measure that would allow for the apprehension of firearms, parts, and FOID cards upon the issuance of an emergency restraining order.
“No one who is seeking protections from a person who poses a threat should have to worry about being at risk for firearm-related violence,” said Villivalam (D-Chicago). “It is imperative that I voted to strengthen protections to further protect those who have sought an emergency restraining order.”
Houses Bill 4144 would require law enforcement agencies to remove firearms, parts, and FOID cards within 96 hours upon the issuance of an emergency restraining order. The measure is named in honor of Karina Gonzalez and her daughter Daniela, who were killed by her husband following the grant of an order of a protection.
“Strengthening guidelines for law enforcement agencies builds upon the commitment to uplift and support domestic violence survivors and helps mitigate the risk associated between firearm and domestic violence,” said Villivalam. “I am honored to have voted for this critical legislation that continues to ensure that safety and well-being of our community.”
House Bill 4144 passed the Senate Monday.