Originally published in Chicago Sun-Times, February 28, 2021.
Sometimes, changing horses in midstream makes the most sense. Especially when you can help people who are struggling.
By changing direction on its Chicago pipeline replacement program, Peoples Gas could ease the strain on its customers’ wallets. It should do so. Chicagoans shouldn’t have to worry about soaring gas bills every time they turn on the heat or boil a pot of water.
Peoples Gas is in the middle of a program to replace some 2,000 miles of natural gas mains under the streets, sidewalks and parkways of Chicago, but it is behind schedule and way over budget. Already, customers are shelling out about 10 times as much for the work, in the form of a surcharge, than the Legislature was told it would cost when it authorized the program in 2013. Wholesale gas prices are low now, but there is no guarantee they will stay low. If nothing is done, gas bills could grow increasingly unaffordable.
Originally published in EIN Presswire, February 22, 2021.
Representative Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz has filed the RISE Act in the General Assembly. The Small Business Advocacy Council (SBAC) urges legislators to pass the RISE Act (Recovery Initiative to Support Employment) to get people back to work and support small businesses.
The pandemic has had a devastating impact on the small business community. Many small businesses have closed their doors and others have had no choice but to lay off valued employees. Independent contractors are struggling.
The SBAC has worked alongside State Representative Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz and Senator Ram Villivalam on legislation that will provide resources for small businesses to retrain and hire individuals who are unemployed because of the pandemic. The incentives will only be available for new hires and benefit Illinois’ economy in the long run by replacing unemployment payments with tax revenue.
Originally published on CBS Chicago, February 8, 2021.
CHICAGO (CBS) — Only on 2. It’s yet another unemployment frustration. A suburban woman can’t do her taxes because of how much the state wrongly paid her. The amount has to be reported to the IRS.
CBS 2’s Suzanne Le Mignot has been following the woman’s money troubles for weeks.
We first spoke to Rimma Brodetsky last month.
“It’s a very hard time right now,” Brodetsky said.
Originally published in Journal & Topics, January 20, 2021.
The Niles Chamber of Commerce and Industry will celebrate its 50th anniversary during an online leadership celebration at 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 28, where Mayor Andrew Przybylo will deliver his annual State of the Village address and members of the chamber’s board of directors take their oath of office.
The event will also see chamber members honored for significant 2020 anniversaries while other speakers, including U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-9th) and State Sen. Ram Villivalam (D-8th), give updates from Washington, D.C., and Springfield, along with outgoing chamber President Vince Gendusa and incoming Chamber President Christine Pusateri.
Entertainment will be provided by students from Maine Township High School Dist. 207, Niles High School Dist. 219 and Notre Dame College Prep.
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