SPRINGFIELD - To enhance protections for those seeking to change their name, State Senator Ram Villivalam advanced a measure out of the Senate to eliminate the requirement to publish a name change with a local newspaper.
“When someone is seeking a name change, whether it is to protect themselves from domestic violence or to affirm one’s identity, everyone deserves the right to do so without the burden of the cumbersome and expensive publication process,” said Villivalam (D-Chicago). “Additionally, by requiring residents to publish their name change, it relinquishes the privacy of such individuals and can be harmful to their safety or well-being.”
CHICAGO- A bipartisan delegation of state lawmakers and stakeholders representing labor, business, environmental, and transit advocacy groups concluded a public transit delegation trip to Germany last week. The Illinois legislative delegation released the following statement:
SPRINGFIELD — Senate Transportation Chair Ram Villivalam held a subject matter hearing Tuesday to discuss how funding transit is a statewide priority.
“As public transit continues to be a cornerstone of our communities, it is imperative that we have discussions about the current state of transit across Illinois as a whole,” said Villivalam (D-Chicago). “Today, we were able to hear from panelists who spoke to what transit looks like in their region and how funding transit is a necessity to them.”
CHICAGO – Senate Transportation Chair Ram Villivalam held a subject matter hearing Thursday to discuss how public transit mitigates climate impact.
“As public transit continues to positively impact our climate, it is imperative that we have discussions about what we can do to continue making progress,” said Villivalam (D-Chicago). “Today’s hearing included discussions about what is being done proactively to ensure that public transit helps mitigate the current climate impact, the importance of public transit to Lake County and North Cook County residents, and what can be done going forward.”
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