Find more details on the modified Stay at Home Order here.
Staying home isn't easy, but it's the best tool we have to fight COVID-19. According to data from top academic institutions and researchers across Illinois, the Stay at Home Order has saved thousands of Illinoisans, if not more--without these restrictions in place, we may have seen up to 20 times as many deaths as we are currently experiencing.
But, the fight isn't over. The data also suggests the state will see a second wave of the virus if social distancing requirements are lifted now, which could claim tens of thousands more lives.
So, for the health and safety of our friends, families, neighbors, and front line workers, we must continue our efforts to contain the spread of the virus. We know many people are eager to return to their jobs, social lives, and daily routines--we're hoping that this modified order will help ease some of that restlessness.
If you have questions, are in need of resources, or otherwise need assistance during this difficult time, please don't hesitate to reach out by calling 872-208-5188 or visiting
Together, we can finish the job and put a stop to COVID-19.
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay home.
CHICAGO – State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago) has worked closely with members of the communities he represents to support people in need during the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
To date, his office has provided and participated in:
“People need the support of their elected officials more than ever during this unsettling time,” Villivalam said. “I encourage anyone in the 8th District who needs help and/or has suggestions on how we can help to reach out to my office.”
To contact Villivalam and his staff, call (872) 208-5188 or visit his website,, to send an email.
I want to start by saying thank you to all those on the front lines. Thank you to all those who work in health care--nurses, doctors, physician assistants, first responders, home care workers, hospital cleaning teams, hospital maintenance and janitorial teams, and more--for taking care of our community members while risking your health and that of your loved ones.
Thank you to people working in essential services like grocery stores, pharmacies, transit, garbage collection, construction, maintenance, and more.
Thank you to social workers, therapists, and other social service workers who are giving all you have to care for the mental well being of our community members through these incredibly difficult times.
Thank you to all who are staying home. I know this is not easy for many of you. Many have been furloughed, laid off, or had to close a business. Many are working full time while caring for elderly or sick relatives or home schooling. For many, isolating is detrimental to your mental health. Staying home is difficult in so many ways. And still, you're staying at home to protect our most vulnerable residents and those on the front lines.
To you all--I'm committed to keeping you up to date on the latest resources and information from the State as well as other levels of government and our community organizations to make sure you all make it through this with all the resources and support possible. Below is the latest on a wide range of topics. Have a question that isn't answered in this email? Please respond or give us a call at 872-208-5188 and we'll make sure to get back to you with an answer.
We're also going beyond resource lists and doing our best every day to make sure our constituents have basic needs met. Over the last two weeks, our volunteers, interns, and staff have made over 3,000 calls to seniors around the 8th District to see how they're doing and ask how we can be of help. In coordination with food pantries, including the Niles Township Food Pantry and ICNA Relief, our volunteers have delivered groceries to 35 seniors, and have at least 10 more deliveries lined up for this week.
Click HERE to sign up for phone banking or grocery delivery.
Finally, a huge thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of our volunteers.
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