SPRINGFIELD - State Senator Ram Villivalam is leading the charge in expanding the list of documents an employee can request from an employer, and how they can do so.
“Making sure that workers have necessary protections is important to prevent possible retaliation,” said Villivalam. “That’s why expanding the options for what documents they can request, and how they can request them, is vital.”
SPRINGFIELD- A measure sponsored by State Senator Ram Villivalam would protect confidentiality of train crew members in fatal accident reports.
“Often these fatality reports list personal identifiable information of train crew members that is not essential for accountability and investigative purposes,” said Villivalam (D-Chicago). “Because of this, it is important that we continue to protect workers identities when the information is not pertinent to the reports.”
SPRINGFIELD – To improve access and availability of crisis mental health care and bolster the emergency medical service workforce, State Senator Ram Villivalam is leading the charge to expand educational opportunities for future paramedics in Illinois.
“Through these changes, community members will not have to worry about whether they can receive the care they deserve when they are in a mental health crisis,” said Villivalam (D-Chicago). “The safety of our communities is vital, and this measure ensures that personnel are equipped and able to respond to emergency situations.”
SPRINGFIELD - State Senator Ram Villivalam passed a measure through the Senate to extend dependent accident and health insurance benefits to parents.
“When children are caring for parents or stepparents, it is not always seamless to provide quality and comprehensive coverage for their medical needs,” said Villivalam (D-Chicago). “By expanding options for health care coverage, we are making sure that people have access to coverage that they deserve.”
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