SPRINGFIELD - In continuation of an initiative from State Senator Ram Villivalam, five local chambers of commerce received funding to help support small businesses.
“Small businesses are an essential underpinning to our economy,” said Villivalam (D-Chicago). “I am honored to see that five of our local chambers were able to receive grants that will continue to invest into our vibrant communities.”
SPRINGFIELD- State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago) released the following statement after the passage of the budget for Fiscal Year 2025.
“Building on the five balanced budgets that I have voted for and that have resulted in nine credit rating upgrades for our state, this year’s budget will continue on the mission of investing in our vibrant communities.”
SPRINGFIELD — State Senator Ram Villivalam helped lead a measure that makes changes to the Prisoner Review Board to further their training and resources when reviewing parole release decisions.
“It is imperative that we prioritize the safety of our communities while also making sure that individuals who are set to be released have been fully rehabilitated,” said Villivalam (D-Chicago). “By addressing necessary changes to the Prisoner Review Board, we are only ensuring that the system works for everyone as a whole.”
SPRINGFIELD - In an effort to recognize and support diverse businesses across Illinois, State Senator Ram Villivalam passed a resolution to call for continuing minority and women owned diversity business enterprise programs.
“It is important that we continue fighting for more economic opportunities within our communities,” said Villivalam (D-Chicago). “Small and diverse businesses are the essential backbone of our neighborhoods, and provide vital opportunities for all.”
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