SPRINGFIELD — State Senator Ram Villivalam sponsored a newly signed law to further protect personally identifiable information of those seeking a name change.
“Our residents deserve to be able to change their name in private and without worry for their well-being or safety,” said Villivalam (D-Chicago). “Requiring those seeking a name change to publish such change with a local newspaper relinquishes their privacy and poses a threat to the confidentiality of personally identifiable information.”
As judges retain the discretion to allow someone to change their name, House Bill 5164 removes the requirement to publish a name change with a local newspaper and lowers the Illinois residency requirement from six months to three months.
SPRINGFIELD- State Senator Ram Villivalam introduced a measure to ensure safe, reliable, accessible, and integrated service in the northeastern Illinois region.
“As someone who grew up using public transit and as someone who represents thousands of constituents who are reliant on public transit to get to their school, doctor, and place of work, I am committed to implementing the bold policies needed to achieve a robust public transit system,” said Villivalam (D-Chicago). “It is imperative that we continue to improve public transit to ensure that it works for all of our residents and that the system is accountable to the taxpayers.”
SPRINGFIELD — State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago) released the following statement after being appointed to serve as majority caucus whip for the 104th General Assembly:
“I am honored to share that Senate President Don Harmon and my colleagues have chosen me as one of the Majority Caucus Whips. I look forward to continuing to advocate on behalf of working and middle class families of the 8th District and across the state of Illinois in this new role.
SPRINGFIELD - To ensure nursing homes have the resources to be properly staffed, State Senator Ram Villivalam supported a measure that would make changes to the formula used for calculating per-diem add-on payments for nursing home staff.
“The 8th Senate District has the highest number of nursing homes in the State,” said Villivalam (D-Chicago). “It is imperative I voted to ensure that our nursing homes have the resources to be staffed at the highest levels. It is a top priority to provide quality care for our resident and decent worker’s conditions.”
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